Posted by This article was written for Holistic Healer & Wellness originally in 2014 updated in June 2022 on Jul 7th 2022
SPF Sun Protection Factor Natural vs Chemical
There has been much buzz about SPF’s on the news and in the media for sometime now but most of us still haven’t heard about any of this.
SPF is sun protection factor, measured by the amount of time a person can stay in the sun without burning, based on four skin types:
• Type II – slightly darker skin, usually with blonde to brown hair, can stay in the sun for 20 minutes before burning.
• Type III – darker still, often with an olive complexion, can stay in the sun for 30 minutes before burning.
• Type IV – darkest skin types, can stay in the sun for 40 minutes before burning.
So should you use a chemical based product or a product with natural ingredients?
Think about this when you go out into the sun and have a high SPF on what do you think it’s made of? Chemicals! Yes the higher the SPF the more chemicals added. And the more chemicals mixed with the addition of the sun’s hot rays baking the chemicals into your skin can cause a chemical or toxic reaction causing major skin problems that may lead to cancer. SPF’s were made to protect you from the sun not harm but this is not the case with SPF’s on the market today.
Each year the FDA reports they are working on changing these guidelines, but until less chemicals are used there will be skin issues that occur even more so in children because of the high SPF number.
So what should you do?
Look for ingredients that you can understand, do some research on ingredients in these products and ask questions.
Following is a chart of the favorite carrier oils used in natural products, for tanning products and sun protection. You will find the addition of zinc oxide in products is very important for those which protect from the sun. Also certain essential oils are photo-toxic, such as citrus oils which have not been 5-fold distilled, so they must not be used.
Carrier Oil | SPF |
Almond Oil | 5 |
Avocado (unrefined) | 4 – 15 |
Carrot Seed Oil | 38 – 40 |
Castor Oil | 6 |
Coconut | 2 – 8 |
Jojoba | 4 |
Macadamia Nut | 6 |
Olive | 2 – 8 |
Red Raspberry Seed | 28 – 50 |
Rice Bran Oil | 4 |
Sesame Seed | 2 – 4 |
Shea Butter | 3 – 6 |
Soybean | 10 |
Wheat Germ | 20 |
Holistic Healer makes a full line of outdoor products to help protect your skin and keep it looking vibrant and glowing. Our I’m On Vacation SPF 15 and 30 are great products made with natural oils mixed with pure high quality essential oils.
For any of your other outdoor product needs like bug repellent, cream for healing burns, cuts, lip balms, spider and mosquito bites checkout this page.
If you have any questions about our products or would like to place an order you can reach us at sales@holistichealeronline.